2022 Spring Garden

It's time to begin thinking about the spring garden. We downsized our garden from last year. Hopefully it will be a little more manageable.

I am hoping to plant some native fruit trees at the back of the garden — wild plum, agarita, wild persimmon, and some citrus trees. This week I planted onions—Red "Karmen," Sweet "Pentium," and Yellow "Stuttgarter." 

I cleaned up the romaine lettuce bed that survived all the freezes. I'm surprised that lettuce is so hearty.

I cultivated the strawberries and borage bed. I read that borage is supposed to benefit the strawberries. It also has pretty blue flowers, I'm told.

There's still a bed of Crawford lettuce (It survives everything.) and some kale and Swiss chard. 

We'll see if they make a comeback or if I just need to replant. I've started some seeds—tomatoes, peppers, chamomile, basil, and catnip (for Coco), 


The potatoes are in a warm sunny spot making sprouts. 

The herbs in the herb garden survived the freezes pretty well. I've got lavender, oregano, thyme, lemon balm, sage, rosemary, spearmint, peppermint, chocolate mint, Mexican mint marigold, garlic, cilantro, leeks, and shallots.

Here's to beginning again!


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