The Spring Garden is Looking Good


Right now we have peppers,




 zinnia, Swiss chard, sunflowers, (The zinnias planted themselves. I stuck a few Swiss chard and sunflowers among them, and I think a feral watermelon and some basil are in the mix. We'll see what happens in this unruly row.



tomatoes (We made some nice supports for the tomatoes with rebar, t-posts, PVC joints, and string. Hopefully that makes the harvest easier.),

beans (We also built a trellis for the beans with t-posts, chicken wire, and bamboo.), 




broccoli, cauliflower, 


 watermelons (They haven't made it up yet.), 


 corn (We just planted it this morning.), 

 and blackberries 

 growing in the garden.

We also see a number of amazing creatures enjoying the blooms and blossoms in the garden.


In the little garden we have Swiss chard, collards, broccoli, cilantro, sweet peas, poppies (Almost all have gone to seed.), romaine lettuce, hibiscus, dewberries, lavender, zinnias, oregano, rosemary, sage, pineapple salvia, a little asparagus, spearmint, Mexican mint marigolds, fennel, some feral peach trees, and a wild rose bush.

But we could really use some rain.


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