Rain, check!

 I woke up this morning to 59 degrees on the thermometer and 4 inches of rain on the rain gauge. Everyone is happy that the long, hot, dry summer is finally over.

I did manage to get the tomato seedlings in the ground before the weather change. They had to endure a bit of wind, but they seem to have fared all right. Maybe we'll have some Novas, Juliets, Sun Golds, Sweet 100s, and Black Cherries in another month or so.

I love it when the garden plants itself. I don't think I would have planted zinnias and watermelons together on purpose, but we'll see what happens.

The blackeyed peas are blooming again, and there is such a variety of big fat bees and wasps all over them. The deer nibbled on them a bit too, but I think there will be enough to share. I've already put several bags in the freezer. They're tasty.

The basil continues to thrive. If you need some basil, don't go to HEB, just stop by and pick some. I try to keep the blooms picked off, so the plants will continue to grown, but that's getting to be a big job. If you would like to come by and pinch blooms off,  feel free. It's good therapy and an exhilarating olfactory experience.

The okra has come up. It should be ready in mid-October. Maybe we'll get some before the first frost.

 The jalapenos withstood the deer attach and are growing new leaves. I mulched them and protected them from the deer with a little shade cloth. It seems to have helped. One has even put out a bloom.

These little Fairy Tale Eggplant seem to be very productive. I added a little compost and put some mulch around them. We had some the other night cooked with some tomatoes from the freezer. They were delicious. They're such a lovely color, but the color fades when they're cooked.

That the report from the garden this week.


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