Preserving the Harvest

We've shared our harvest with the Floresville Food Bank, the San Antonio Mennonite Church Market, and some of our Floresville neighbors and friends, and there is still an abundance. So I have been learning how to preserve vegetables. True to the form of The Two Little Gardeners, we've been cooking...

and canning.

I have frozen some corn — on the cob and off —

and breaded and froze some okra for frying later.

I canned some tomato sauce.

We got a very cool dehydrator last summer for the peaches, and I have been putting it to good use.

I dried a whole bunch of little tomatoes to use in salads and soups and sauces.

Then I read that you could dehydrate tomatoes and grind them into a powder.

 The powder can later be reconstituted into tomato paste, sauce, soup, or juice. So I did that.

And there are still tomatoes to share. Anybody want some?


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