Consider the Lilies

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 
Matthew 6:28-9
Robert and I went for a Sabbath walk this afternoon. After three rainy days and almost three inches of rain, we found quite a few things blossoming...some in the garden and some in the fields. Robert captured some of them with his camera.
The poppy that just came up in the little garden of its own accord was the first one that caught my eye.

But the poppy had caught the eye of a little bee before I saw it.

April Strickland at the Indian Springs Middle School garden in Waco, Texas, had given me a few surplus tulip bulbs which I planted around the little garden. The first one to show up was a yellow one.

This little red sweet pea was the first one to bloom. I hope this rain spurs them all on. They smell so sweet. My mother often had grew sweet peas along our back fence in Houston. A bouquet of them is one of the sweetest smelling things in the world.

This red amaryllis decided the best time to bloom was right in the middle of a rain storm.

I planted blackberry vines in the big garden last fall, and they are covered with blossoms and even a couple of green berries.

The sugar snap peas got drenched by the rain, but they are beginning to bloom. I may have a few to pick in a week or so.

Thanks Robert for capturing the beauty of these first spring blossoms.


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